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Friday, July 1, 2011

Compaq iPAQ - H3660 Pocket PC 64MB Colour

Cheap Compaq iPAQ - H3660 Pocket PC 64MB Colour Discount Review Shop

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"Compaq iPAQ - H3660 Pocket PC 64MB Colour" Overview

There's no doubt that the Compaq iPAQ 3600 series occupy that rare class of gadgets that are noticeable for being eye-catching and fashionable as well as functional. Even if you don't regularly shuttle between nations in a private company jet, using the sleek metal device may make you feel like a high-powered executive (or at the very least, make other people think you are). The most striking feature of the iPAQ is its bright, crisp colour screen--though it only displays 4,096 colours (compared to colour Palm and Handspring offerings which display up to 65,536 colours). While the colour quality is fine for everyday use, photos can appear somewhat grainy or posterised. Other hardware notables include a headphone jack for listening to digital music, an infrared port for beaming data to other similarly equipped devices and a voice recorder for capturing your ideas while in traffic. The unit is powered by a rechargeable lithium ion battery that performs well considering the colour display. A connection port at the bottom accommodates extension packs that can read CompactFlash media, PC Cards and other peripherals.

In terms of storage and software, the iPAQ is a modern workhorse. It has 64 MB of RAM for storing large media files and plus 16 MB of ROM that houses the included applications. These include: Windows CE 3.0, Pocket PC versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Money, Windows Media Player and Reader as well as applications like a calendar, contact list, task list, and notes. It's worth noting that Pocket Money doesn't sync with the desktop version of Money, as it is tailored to the US version, but it can still be used as a standalone expense manager.

The iPAQ interfaces with Windows-based PCs using ActiveSync 3.1 (which includes a full version of Outlook 2000). The synchronisation process is pretty efficient, and lets you browse the contents of the iPAQ from your desktop. The iPAQ 3600 series does intelligently pack the capabilities of a full-size PC into a handheld. --Nelson Finn

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